水産食品の腐敗中毒に関する研究-II : 中毒検体より有毒物質の分離とその化学的性質
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The presence of an unusual amount of histamine and other vagus-stimulant in the incriminated materials of allergy-like food poisoning of “samma sakurabashi” and canned mackerel is reported in the previous paper. Present study was aimed to isolate the toxic substance for the investigation of its chemical properties. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The toxic substance was successfully isolated from the methanolic extract by means of paper-partition chromatography. The spot appeared on the paper with ninhydrin was brownish purple and distinguishable from that of histamine in points of the Rf value and of the reaction with diazo reagent as well. The extract from the part corresponding to the spot of the toxic substance which was about 9 times as effective as that of the extract from the spot of histamine. 2. This substance was easily extracted with 80% methanol at room temperature, but was insoluble in ether, acetone, benzene, chloroform or absolute ethanol. Insolubility in absolute alcohol is one of the differences from histamine. 3. This substance was considereably heat stable and was dialysable against cellophane membrane.
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