A clinicopathological study of hepatocellular carcinoma with bone metastasis.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Two hundred and one patients with hepatocellular carcinoma were investigated to clarify the clinical and pathological characteristics in the cases complicated by bone metastasis. Bone metastasis was found in 16 cases (8.0%) among them. The cause of initial symptoms was bone metastasis in 10 (group I) out of 16 cases. The other 6 cases (group II) presented with any other signs than bone metastasis were recognized it during follow-up period, and they were mostly the cases after therapies with repeated TAE and/or one shot administration of anticancer agents (group II). In group I, all patients were male, and 45-64 years. Although liver cirrhosis was associated in 80% of group II, it was found in only 33% of group I. Futhermore, the size of tumor in group I was much smaller than that of goup II. Therefore, it was suggested that bone metastasis had developed in early stage of hepatocellular carcinoma in group I. Bone metastasis was seen in various sites of bone, but the other extrahepatic metastases other than bone were much less in group I than in the other groups. It supports that many of their bone metastases are via vertebral vein systems.
- 22 好酸球増多と類上皮肉芽腫を認めた原発性硬化性胆管炎の一例(I.一般演題,第26回リバーカンファレンス総会)
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- 35 非定型自己免疫性肝炎の一例(I.一般演題,第27回リバーカンファレンス総会)
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- 23 CT・MRI で描出できず, CTA で腫瘤性病変を明瞭に描出可能であった膵癌の一治験例(一般演題)(第 71 回新潟消化器病研究会)
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- 3 強皮症発症一年後に発見された回腸進行癌の一例(第48回新潟大腸肛門病研究会)
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