A case with typical autoimmune hepatitis which was diagnosed after three-years following-up before manifestation.
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A female, sixty four years in age, with typical autoimmune hepatitis which was diagnosed finally after three-years following-up before manifestation is presented. Three years ago, she was diagnosed to have non-A non-B hepatitis by liver biopsy under peritoneoscopy. Histological diagnosis was chronic active hepatitis. Her liver dysfunction unchanged during three years following-up in outpatient clinic. Then, she was readmitted for the elevated γ-globulin and anti-nuclear antibody titer. Histology showed chronic active hepatitis with bridging necrosis acompanied with occasional plasma cell aggregates. HCV antibody (Abott II) was positive, while HCV RNA was repeatedly negative. Corticosteroid administration was found to be strikingly effective in this case, indicating the presence of autoimmunity as a main cause of this disorder.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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