Unusual filamentous structures in the hepatocytes of chimpanzees.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Filamentous structures were found within the dilated endoplasmic reticula of hepatocytes of two chimpanzees, during the effecacy testing of HB vaccine. Those chimpanzees were recieved blood transfusion of HBsAg positive carrier blood after HB vaccination. The structure was different from the filamentous structure of HBsAg and might be identical with that reported by Desmet. in 1982. They reported that these were specific for non-A, non-B hepatitis. In our cases, one chimpanzee was infected by hepatitis B virus (HBV) even though HB vaccination and the other didnot show any evidences of the onset of hepatitis.<BR>Of cause, it was not clear that HBV carrier blood also contained non-A, non-B virus or viruses. However, in one chimpanzees, the filamentous structures were observed 62 weeks after blood transfusion. Furthermore, two chimpanzees were generally weak due to tuberculosis and were treated with antituberculotic drugs during the experiment. The possibility of effect of the drugs for the occurrence of filamentous structure is also raised. It is concluded that the filamentous structure could not be necessarily specific to non-A, non-B hepatitis.
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- Unusual filamentous structures in the hepatocytes of chimpanzees.