- 論文の詳細を見る
Incorporation of 14C-amino acids and 14C labelled rumen bacteria into ciliates was investigated from the stand point of microbial ecology in order to know that to what extent amino acids are important as a nitrogenous nutrients for rumen ciliates and what the main nitrogenous nutrients for them are. Following results were obtained:1) Aspartic acid, valine, alanine, arginine and phenylalanine which had not been consumed in the previous experiment using Van Slyke manometric method were exactly incorporated into ciliates.2) Of the amino acids investigated, methionine, which is the lowest component of rumen protozoan protein, was incorporated in large amounts and glutamic acid, lysine and aspartic acid, which are the higher components of protozoan protein, were incorporated in small amounts into ciliates.3) After 3 hours of incubation in the medium containing 14C-amino acids, 14C activity incorporated into ciliates in the case of mixed culture of ciliates and bacteria was alway shigher than that in the case of single culture of ciliates, and 14C activity incorporated into bacteria in the case of mixed culture was 2-10 fold higher than that incorporated into ciliates in the case of single culture.4) After 3 hours of incubation in the medium containing 14C-amino acids, 24.2-83.9% of the initial 14C-amino acids total activity of the culture madium disappeared in the case of mixed culture, but in the case of single culture, no more than 0-2.8% disappeared.5) After incubation of ciliates with 14C labelled rumen bacteria, 14C activity was detected in protozoan bodies and found maximum at 3 hour incubation period. From this datum, ingestion of bacteria by ciliates was demonstrated.6) The quantity of bacterial nitrogen ingested by ciliates was about 20 fold higher than that of methionine nitrogen incorporated into ciliates.All of these results led us to the following conclusion:1) Amino acids may not be the main nitrogenous nutrient for rumen ciliate protozoa.2) The main nitrogenous nutrient of rumen ciliates can probably be particulate substance like bacteria.3) It seems to us that the main incorporation course of amino acids into ciliates in the rumen eco-system may be a kind of food chain course as follows:Amino acids→Bacteria→Ciliates
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