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To investigate the relation between organic matter (OM) disappearance and acetyl bromide lignin (ABL) of tropical forages, an experiment measuring OM disappearanceand ABL content of two legumes and one grass was conducted. Materials were leaf andstem of Siratro (<I>Macroptilium atropurpureum</I>) at 23 and 63 regrowth days, and of Greenleaf Desmodium (<I>Desmodium intortum</I>) and Rhodes grass (<I>Chloris gayana</I>) at 35and 63 regrowth days respectively. Using in vitro incubation with rumen fluid andpepsin OM disappearance was measured. Rumen fluid was collected from three goatsfitted with rumen fistulae and fed a hay. Using Mo Rmso N's method ABL content wasdetermined. The results obtained were as follows: In each material ABL content washigher than acid detergent lignin (ADL) content, and less value of ABL/ADL in thelegume comparing with the grass suggested that less amount of lignin-like substance ofthe legume was dissolved in acid detergent solution than that of the grass. The legumetended to show higher OM disappearance than that of the grass even both species havingsimilar ADL content. However there was negative correlation (p<0.01) between OMdisappearance and ABL content in the legume and the grass. From this result, ABL wasconsidered to be available index for investigating the relation between OM disappearanceand lignin content of tropical forages including legumes and grasses.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
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- Accumulation of Digestible Materials with Growth of Forages and Digestion of Forage Dry Matter by in vitro Incubation with Rumen Fluid and Pepsin
- Net Assimilation Rate of Forages and Forage Intake of Ruminants as Related using a Hypothetic Equation Suggested to Growth Analysis of both Forages and Ruminants
- Two Different-Type Equations of Relative Growth Analysis for both Forages and Ruminants and Deriving of them from A Hypothetic Equation
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- Use of Complex Number in the Analysis of Increase in Dry Matter Indigestibility with Growth of Forages
- An Application of Growth Analysis Method to Simple Correlation Analysis between Dry Matter Indigestibility and Lignin Content with Growth of a Forage
- Accumulation Rate of Digestible Materials and Formation Rate of Indigestible materials in the Description of Relative Growth Rate of Forages
- Mean Leaf Area of the Canopy for Light Interception by Forages and Mean Retention Time of Feed in the Rumen for Feed Ingestion by Ruminants as Investigated using Simple Models
- A Hypothetic Equation from Which Growth Analysis Equations of Forages and Ruminants are Derived as Special Cases
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- Two Different-Type Equations Analyzing Decrease in Dry Matter Digestibility with Growth of Forages
- Accumulation of Digestible Materials Decrease in Dry Matter Digestibility in the Growth of Two Tropical Grasses
- Relationship between Two Different-Type Equations Analyzing Increase in Dry Matter Indigestibility with Growth of Forages
- Formation of Indigestible Materials from Digestible Materials and Photosynthates in the Growth of Rhodes grass (chloris gayana Kunth)
- Formation of Indigestible Materials and Increase in Dry Matter Indigestibility in the Growth of Two Tropical Forages
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