Pharmacological Properties of Galenical Preparations-6-Antibacterial Interactions between Crude Drugs Prescribed in "Haino-to"(排膿湯) and "Haino-san"(排膿散)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Both "Haino-to" and "Haino-san" are used for the treatment of carbuncle in Chinese medicine. In the present paper, antibacterial activities of the constituent crude drugs of "Haino-to" and "Haino-san", and their mutual interactions were examined, by subjecting the extracts of those formulas and of constituent crude drugs and mixtures of those extracts to in vitro antibacterial assay using strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Of various extracts or extract mixtures prepared from "Haino-to" components, only those containing licorice and "Haino-san" were active against Staphylo. strains, and moreover the antibacterial activity was found to rely on the quantity thereof contained. With respect to "Haino-san", enhancement of activity was observed in mixtures of Paeonia and Citrus extract. However, reduction in activity was always observed when test material contained Platycodon extract. A mixture of the extracts individually prepared from each of the constituent crude drugs, corresponding in composition to "Haino-to", was 4 times as effective as the original "Haino-to".
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1979-12-20
Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Saito Ken-ichi
Hokkaido Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Konoshima Masao
Hokkaido Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kano Yoshihiro
Hokkaido Institute Of Pharmaceutical Science
Saito Ken-ichi
Hokkaido Institute Of Pharmaceutical Science
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- Pharmacological Properties of Galenical Preparations-6-Antibacterial Interactions between Crude Drugs Prescribed in "Haino-to"(排膿湯) and "Haino-san"(排膿散)
- Pharmacological Properties of Galenical Preparations-5-Antibacterial Activities of Chinese Medicinal Prescriptions "Haino-to"(排膿湯) and "Haino-san"(排膿散)
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