- 論文の詳細を見る
With the recent tendency to increase the size of vessels intended to carry special cargo such as oil, ore and etc. -especially oil tankers-there arise problems about sufficient strength of building ways and dock bottoms, and proper arrangements of docking blocks at the time of the ship construction and dry-docking. The problems may be divided broadly into two; one is as to the stern of the ship and the other about the tank part. The larger ships become the weight of the ship increases, especially in stern part, whilst the flat bottom of stern part is not much different in area from that of the smaller ship. Therefore, the docking block supporting the stern of the ship have to carry heavy weight for larger ships. As for the tank part, there arises a problem about the arrangement of docking blocks in relation to the effective use of the docking blocks right under the ballast tanks, hull strength and also dock bottoms and docking block strength. As to the problem of the ship's stern, authors studied the utilization of hull rigidity and the method of making proper arrangement of docking blocks to control the hull deflection, and also established the calculation method of the hull deflection at the time of docking. To solve the problem of the tank part, a study was made of the effective arrangements of docking blocks and the strength of both ship's hull and docking blocks on the assumption that the ship's bottom is the flat lattice structure supported by springs.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1968-07-29
小沼 守
小沼 守
Nagasaki Shipyard & Engine Works Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
永元 隆一
永元 隆一
坂田 壌
永元 隆一
三菱重工業 船舶・鉄構事業本部
永元 隆一
三菱重工業 (株) 長崎造船所
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