Reproducibility and Future Projection of the Midwinter Storm-Track Activity over the Far East in the CMIP3 Climate Models in Relation to "Haru-Ichiban" over Japan(<Special Edition>Evaluations of CMIP3 Model Performance for Various Atmospheric and Oceanic
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A reanalysis dataset is used to establish the relationship between the year-to-year fluctuations in the midwinter storm-track activity over the Far East measured by poleward heat flux associated with subweekly disturbances and the occurrence of the first spring storm with strong southerly winds over Japan (Haru-Ichiban). Our analysis reveals that its early (delayed) occurrence tends to follow the enhanced (suppressed) winter storm-track activity with less (more) apparent minimum in midwinter in the course of the seasonal march. A metric is defined on the basis of the eddy heat flux to measure the reproducibility of the particular seasonal march of the Far East storm-track activity simulated in each of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 climate models under the present climate. Under a particular global warming scenario, ensemble projection based only on the several models that show the highest reproducibility of the storm-track activity measured with the particular metric indicates that the future enhancement is likely in the midwinter storm-track activity associated with the weakening of the East Asian winter monsoon, implying that Haru-Ichiban is likely to occur earlier in the late 21st century than in the 20th century.
- 2009-06-25
西井 和晃
NISHII Kazuaki
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo
宮坂 貴文
宮坂 貴文
西井 和晃
Kosaka Yu
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science University Of Tokyo
Kosaka Yu
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Nishii Kazuaki
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science University Of Tokyo
Nishii Kazuaki
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Miyasaka Takafumi
Miyasaka Takafumi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science University Of Tokyo
西井 和晃
宮坂 貴文
Nakamura Hisashi
Dep. Of Earth And Planetary Sci. Univ. Of Tokyo
Nakamura Hisashi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science The University Of Tokyo:frontier Research Center For Globa
Nakamura Hisashi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science University Of Tokyo:frontier Research Center For Global Ch
宮坂 貴文
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