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The idea that people are more comfortable with consistent than with inconsistent cognitions has been proclaimed in the social psychological literature. People are not only rational but also rationalizers. We want our attitudes and beliefs to support rather than contradict our behavior, and we want our cognitions tied together in a coherent, mutually reinforcing systems. Such basic assumptions characterize a variety of consistency theories in the huge compendium edited by Abelson et al. (1968) "Cognitive dissonance theory" proposed by Festinger (1957), because of its generality and simplicity, has continued to generate more researches and more controversies than any other one approach. One of the intriguing aspects of dissonance theory is that if frequently leads to predictions which stand in apparent contradiction to those made by other theoretical approaches, - most notably, to a general "reward-incentive theory." For example, in the well-known experiment by Festinger & Carlsmith (1959), subjects were induced to tell a waiting confederate for $1 or $20 that the experiment which the confederate was about to take part in was interesting and exciting. In fact, as the subject well knew, it was extremely dull. According to dissonance theory, if a person says something he feels untrue, he experiences dissonance: The cognition "I said X" is dissonant with the cognition "I believe not-X." In order to reduce dissonance, he might attempt to convince himself that what he said was not so very untrue. Thus, dissonance theory suggests that advocating an opposite position increases one's tendency to believe in that position. However, if one is provided with a great deal of justification for advocating an opposite position, one experiences less dissonance. The cognition that I received $20 is consonant with having lied. Consequently, I would have less need to justify my action by convincing myself that I really believed what I said than if I had been paid a mere $1 for lying. This type of prediction has been confirmed by experiments. On the other hand, considerable controversy has been aroused. Much of the more recent research on dissonance theory, as well argued by Cooper & Fazio (1984), specifies the precise conditions under which cognitive dissonance is or is not aroused. In particular, research on the role of foreseeability, personal responsibility, and aversive consequences has led to a new emphasis on implications of behavior for the self-concept. Aronson (1968; 1980) asserts that inconsistency between behavior and attitudes is not sufficient for dissonance arousal unless the attitude are firmly anchored in the self-concept, and that the behavior produces aversive consequences that could have been foreseen. He concludes that dissonance-generation will derive from the derogation of a high self-concept and dissonance-reduction will function for its maintenance and restoration. Accepting Aronson's assertion, it should be recalled that the subjects of Festinger & Carlsmith's experiment were male students in the introductory psychology course at Stanford University. No doubt, they must have had a high self-concept as well as a high sensitivity. When asked to tell supposedly unsuspecting fellow student that an experimental task which they knew to be dull was in fact interesting, such students of ability and sensitivity ought to have realized the experimenter's inducement. Their attitude change in pretence may have been a good service to their professor of psychology, not for resolving dissonance, but for demonstrating their kindness as a man of good consideration. The role played by a $20 inducement, as Rosenberg (1965) pointed out, may have seemed like a bribe than an incentive. Such students of a high self-concept ought to have resisted to change their attitudes after having received a bribe. This new look at the dissonance process, we propose here, being possible, subjects offered $20 must have felt more discomfort than those offered $1. Oour new look seems highly consistent with Aronson's basic position on self-concept, but inconsistent with his dissonance interpretation. Needless to say, it should be confirmed by experiments. Consistency theories, having established mainly in the cultural background of the West, propose than a man wants his attitude and beliefs to support rather than contradict his behavior. Turning to our Japanese psychology, it seems that consistency between attitude and behavior or consistency among cognitions is not always a requisite. In our culture, as well discussed by Doi (1971; 1985), a Japanese noted psychiatrist, discrepancy between attitude as "Honne" in Japanese and behavior as "Tatemae" is not only rather acceptable but also more necessary to live on as a grow-up. Our experimental study (1980) after Aronson & Carlsmith (1963) and our daily experiences have led us to a conclusion that the differences between our psycho-logic and theirs should be taken into consideration when we apply dissonance theory to Japanese psychology. What we propose in this paper is a trial so that we can accomodate dissonance theory based on their psycho-logic into our psycho-logic. (A) Being Awaken to the Outcomes to Come When a man is to engage in some behavior to comply with a request from another or others, he estimates how much the compliance will be debt to him. If he can reject the burden, if he can withdraw his committed compliance, or if his expected behavior is acceptable or admitted, his psychological burden awaken from the compliance will be counterbalanced. (B) Being Conscious of Psychological Debt He will be conscious of psychological debt, when he is decided or forced to engage in such a behavior that he foresees it as troublesome. If he is indifferent or self-indulgent enough to ignore the expected reactions from others, or if the burden can be cleared away by some ritualized appology, dissonance as psychological debt will not come to his awareness. (C) Being Aware of Dissonance Dissonance will generate when his passive wishful-thinking is derogated by a person whom he regards as considerate of his own debt. If the passive wish "I wish that he would take my burden into consideration" is not in conflict with the passive expectation, "He ought to be considerable of the phychological debt on me," or if the wish can be separated from the expectation, the dissonance will be tolerable. And if his wishful-thinking is obstructed by a person who does not share considerations with him, he will be able to resign himself to fate. (D) Attitude Change as an Exertion for Dissonance-Resolution After the failure of his desire for indulgence to find the expected response, he will involve laboring for resolving the dissonance under the delusion that he is being treated unjustly. The more he involves feigning indifference to the person who has derogated him, the more he will become keenly awaken to the dissonance, so that he will be enforced to change his attitudes toward the relationship that he has presumed to exist between the two.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 社会(401〜408)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 社会2(509〜515)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 人格(310〜315)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 発達19(341〜349)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- PD104 ある自閉症児に対する計数操作の構成
- PE2-28 自閉症者BWに対する予期と要求の促進工作(教授・学習)
- PB076 自閉症児に対する項間の関係を中継ぎにした交信関係の形成
- 自閉症児に対する行動の系列化によるルール意識の構成
- 自閉症児に対する表象化と構図化を促進する工作
- 教授過程 D-2 自閉症と受動主体化の促進工作[2]
- 教授過程 D-1 自閉症と受動主体化の促進工作[1]
- 教授過程 729 文章産出過程における視点変換
- 自己および自我を実現させる媒体としての「あなた」の心理学的含意
- A/Bパターンの生成と心理学的実践工作
- 相互障害・相互輔生・相互革生の見とどけと工作の実践
- 不協和の発生と解消の過程を規定する心理論理の再考
- 心理学的対処方略としてのスル的視点とナル的視点の二重性
- 心理学的循環経路の析出による自己体制化活動についての省察
- 発達8(253〜260)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 行動体制の実現条件としての行動における連動的先導性と心理学的工作
- 発達6(235〜243)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 行動制御回路モデルにおける自己保存系としての態度
- 行動体制の形成と心理学的工作についての省察 : ある幼児における「ピアノ弾き」行動形成のエピソードを手掛りとして
- PB60 自閉症児 : 見本合わせ方略による形態質の信号化(教授・学習,ポスター発表B)
- K063 ある自閉症者における表音節文字の分化と統合に向かう第一歩(口頭セッション11 自閉・アスペルガー)
- PB120 ある自閉症児に対する絵カードを中継ぎにしたコード信号系の構成(ポスター発表B,研究発表)
- PB119 ある自閉症児に対する貼り絵を中継ぎにしたコード信号系の構成(ポスター発表B,研究発表)
- PB59 自閉症児 : コード信号化を促進する他者との交信(教授・学習,ポスター発表B)
- 653 集団討議場面に対する態度と原因帰属(II) : 課題遂行行動のみたてと遂行した行動への自己評定を手がかりにして(学校・学級,社会9,口頭発表)
- 517 両価性に対処する内的-外的統制の位置の検討 : II.両価性を一義化する視点の位置の検討(対人認知,人格2,口頭発表)
- 516 両価性に対処する内的-外的統制の位置の検討 : I.両価性を相殺する統制の位置の検討(対人認知,人格2,口頭発表)
- 身体行動の促進と主体の形成
- 524 対人関係域差の認知 : II. 中学生と大学生における援助状況の判断型の分析(社会3,社会)
- 523 対人関係域差の認知 : I. 中学生と大学生における援助状況の判断(社会3,社会)
- 646 ひらがな文字の構成因の検討 : VII.幼児におけるひらがな文字の見本模写過程の分析(教授・学習5 語音・語義・文字,研究発表)
- 645 ひらがな文字の構成因の検討 : VI.幼児におけるひらがな文字の短期記憶による見本構成過程の分析(教授・学習5 語音・語義・文字,研究発表)
- 260 ひらがな文字の構成因の検討 : V 幼児の書字過程の分析(発達8,研究発表)
- 259 ひらがな文字の構成因の検討 : IV 文字対の変換過程と類似性(発達8,研究発表)
- 240 ひらがな文字の構成因の検討 : III. 幼児による文字様図形の再生(音と文字の認知,発達)
- 239 ひらがな文字の構成因の検討 : II. 幼児によって書かれたひらがなの検討(音と文字の認知,発達)
- 238 ひらがな文字の構成因の検討 : I. 大学生によるひらがな文字の類似度の評定(音と文字の認知,発達)
- 343 ひらがなの型弁別および型構成における発達特性の分析 : III 幼児の型構成特性の検討および型弁別段階との関係(発達19,発達)
- 342 ひらがなの型弁別および型構成における発達特性の分析 : II 大学生と幼児の型弁別特性の分析(発達19,発達)
- 社会3(519〜527)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 341 ひらがなの型弁別および型構成における発達特性の分析 : I.問題と方法(発達19,発達)
- 314 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第5報告) : -その3- 子どもの道徳性判断反応と地域階層の特性(人格3-2,300 人格)
- 313 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第5報告) : (その2)子どもの道徳判断反応と,自己のみた友人および母親の道徳判断反応との関係の分析(人格3-2,300 人格)
- 312 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第5報告) : (その1)親-子の道徳判断反応の比較(人格3-2,300 人格)
- 404 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その1)準拠人選択反応と道徳判断反応の全般的特徴
- 既有知識との適合性からみたテキスト記憶の体制化
- テキスト記憶の体制化におよぼす文脈効果
- テキスト記憶の体制化におよぼす文脈効果
- 上下判断課題におけるストループ効果におよぼす文脈に規定された意味の影響
- 621 関数学習のシステム化の試み : LOGOの同型性を媒介した単位あたり量の抽出(教授過程(5),口頭発表)
- 集団討議場面における情況論理的な態度と原因帰属の分析
- 524 協同作業状況に対する印象と行動の連鎖特性との関係(社会3,社会)
- 612 協同作業状況に対して成員がもつ印象と行動展開様相(社会2,研究発表)
- 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第3報告) : 交友選択の範囲及び対人態度と準拠人・道徳判断の類似性
- 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第2報告)
- 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第1報告) : 子どもの準拠人
- 406 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その3)自己と準拠人の道徳判断反応の一致・不一致の効果
- PE42 対人態度と帰属様式との関係
- ある脳性麻痺児に対する学習場面の構成過程
- 405 準拠集団と道徳性の発達(第4報告) : (その2)交友選択にみられる対人態度と, 準拠対象及び道徳判断の類似性との関連
- 社会4048 集団討議場面に対する態度と原因帰属(III)
- PE302 臨床法によるたし算とかけ算の意味の自己発見過程
- B-12 集団討議場面に対する態度と原因帰属 : 役割演技及び事態に対する評価を手がかりにして(社会B)
- 514 協同作業場面における原因帰属の様相 : 課題達成志向の制限度と完成数を手がかりとして(原因帰属,社会2)
- テキスト記憶の体制化におよぼす文脈効果