- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article IS to clarify thecontents of the dialogue at the conference afterclassroom observations, which were conducted aspart of the faculty development project at ouruniversity. We analyzed 49 conference reportsand conducted category analyses and a casestudy.Through category analyses and a case study ofthe dialogue, the following results were obtained.1) The contents of the dialogue at theconference can be classified into five categories;(1) 'student', (2) 'contents of class activities', (3)'teaching methods', (4) 'evaluation of learning'and (5) 'the curriculum and the environments'.Of these, the topic most frequently taken up byboth the teacher and the participants was 'thecontents of class activities'.2) At the conference, the participants did notmake many critical comments on the teacher noroffered any corrective proposals to him.3) The results of the case study suggested thatone of the major factors in activating conferencesin general is that participants have prior knowledgeabout classes under discussion, and thatthey are teaching the same or similar classesthemselves.
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