- 論文の詳細を見る
The following results were obtained by immunological and electrophoretic studies on the sera in horses infected with equine infectious anemia (EIA). 1. Pyrexia of the horses was accompanied by transient increase in IgM, irrespective of acute or chronic EIA. 2. Increase in γ-globulin and IgG was observed in the horses infected with chronic EIA, and a remarkable increase in IgG and IgG(T) was recognized especially in the horses which repeated pyrexia. 3. The appearance of the precipitin antibody in the horses inoculated with EIA was synchronized with that of siderocytes in the blood in the jugular vein. 4. Precipitin antibody was included in IgG and antibody activity was also assumed to be present in IgG(T). 5. In the horses naturally infected with EIA and not having pyrexia, it was shown that siderocytes decreased gradually to complete disappearance. The precipitin test was always positive, becoming strongly positive with time when observed over a long period of time (883 days). As mentioned above, precipitin test in gel using virus antigen is considered to be specific for EIA. Our observations revealed that precipitin antibody appeared synchronously with siderocytes, formed clear-cut precipitin line and was included in IgG fraction. Some cases were also observed in which the precipitin test was always positive at the stage when siderocytes were not found, while the test was positive only at the later stages of infection even in the case where siderocytes were detected. These results suggest that the true nature of EIA must be elucidated in terms of the pertinent detection of small lymphoid siderocytes derived form l-cells in the blood in the jugular vein, together with serological viewpoints, even if the horses naturally infected with EIA were negative in the precipitin test.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1975-10-10
清水 祥夫
田村 俊二
高橋 良平
小山石 好宏
杉浦 健夫
杉浦 健夫
田村 俊二
清水 祥夫
帯広畜産大 獣医
清水 祥夫
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