- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study aimed to enhance the mutual understanding between Japan and Korea through an investigation of clothing behavior, and obtain basic data for fashion marketing aimed at the elderly. A questionnaire survey was conducted on individuals aged 60 years and above living in urban areas in Japan and Korea, from Spring to Summer 2003. Data adopted for the analysis in the present study was obtained from 134 Japanese males, 137 Korean males, 177 Japanese females, and 168 Korean females. The main results obtained from the survey are as follows: 1) Regarding living conditions, it was found that the source of income for unemployed elderly was largely dependent on pensions in Japan, and on support from children in Korea. Regarding hobbies, while traveling was common among the elderly in both countries, taking lessons and participating in religious activities were characteristic of Japan and Korea, respectively. 2) According to the average scores among 26 items in a 5-point evaluation regarding clothing preference, which included aspects of selecting and purchasing clothes, dressing, and fashion sense, it was observed that the elderly in both countries attached greater importance on the mobility, functionality and handling properties of materials, and had a strong desire to look clean, elegant, and young, rather than slovenly. The main difference observed between Japanese and Korean elderly was that both male and female Koreans preferred to dress more plainly than Japanese. 3) In the factor analysis, 3 to 4 factors with an eigenvalue of ≥1 were extracted for both male and female Japanese and Koreans, and the factor "aware of others' evaluations" was consistently cited as the first or the second factor. Factors reflecting "comfort" and "functionality" were also observed in all groups. The factor "dressing appropriately for the elderly" was observed only in male and female Japanese. 4) In the factor analysis examining individuals in their 60s, and those in their 70s and above, the factor "purchasing with strong preference" was observed only in individuals in their 60s. The factor "preference for luxury items" was observed in both age groups among Korean females. Among Japanese males, "dressing to look young" and "dressing appropriately for the elderly" were observed as the factors for individuals in their 60s and those in their 70s and above, respectively. Among Korean males, the factor "dressing to look young" was observed only in individuals in their 70s and above, and "dressing appropriately for the elderly" was observed in both age groups.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2007-10-15
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