既製服のサイズ選択と衣服のゆとり : 女子短大生と母親の場合
- 論文の詳細を見る
For the purpose of explicating the relation between selecting sizes and ease of garments, body measurements and surveys about quantity and sense of ease w[ere conducted from 1994 to 1996. The subjects were 901 female junior college students and 404 of their mothers. The same questionnaires were given to the students each year, and once to mothers in 1995. The main results are as follows. 1) A comfortable sense of ease for female students was 9.9 cm at the bust, 2.1 cm at the waist and 3.6cm at the hip in 1996. Empirical evidence regarding size, designs construction and other factors is necessary to varidate these findings. 2) The sense of ease at the bust of blouses or shirts decreased every year. On the other hand, the sense of ease at the waist of tight skirts or pants remained constant. A comfortable sense of ease is affected by slim garments now fashion. 3) The sense of ease at the waist or hip of young students and middle-aged mothers is reversed, that to say, the sense of ease at the waist of students is much more than that of their mothers and the sense of ease at the hip of students is less than that of their mothers. This phenomenon is due to the single sizing system used for women's garments, despite different somatotypes. The wearing of commercially produced garments which do not always fit properly causes an uncomfortable sense of ease.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1998-02-15
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