乳幼児の衣生活の現状 (第1報) : 衣生活の因子分析
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Clothing habits of infants in the process of growth were analyzed using the questionnaire data obtained from about 800 mothers who had children under 6 years old. The survey was conducted in October 1988. Factor analysis showed that there were seven factors which formed clothing habits of infants. (1) The order of a child's birth in the family affects a mother's attitude in choosing her children's clothings. (2) A mother's and her children's taste in clothings play a part. (3) The degree of recognition differs when a mother takes her children's physical-types into consideration in deciding the clothing sizes of her children. (4) The proportion of the clothing expenses to the total expenditure differs according to the social status of a family in a regional community. (5) In condiseration of local conditions, the parcentage of one's own house or the size of a family plays a part.(6) Using a sense of economy when a mother chooses her children's clothing sizes play a part. (7) The degree of allowance differs when a mother takes her children's tastes in clothings into consideration.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1991-06-15
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