乳幼児の衣生活の現状 (第2報) : 地域, 年齢, 出生順位が衣生活に及ぼす影響
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In this second report, all the questionnaires obtained were divided into several groups in consideration of the respective regional communities, the respective ages of the children and the order of a child's birth in the family after the factor analysis of the first report. The frequency distribution of the choices was calculated according to each group.The following results were found. (1) It is demonstrated that regional characteristics have an effect on buying the top-brand articles or the fashionable goods. (2) As the children grow, their mother begins to pay attention to her appearance and to their appearances and to allow her children's tastes in clothings. (3) The order of child's a birth in the family is one of the most important factors that influences a mother when she fits the new dresses on her children in selecting their clothings.
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