若年女子用既製和服長着のサイズと寸法 : 実態調査と提案
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Although many ready-made "Yukatas (a kind of Japanese costume Nagagi)" have appeared on the market, there are no official size-system for Yukata". So we surveyed the clothing size and measurements of ready-made "Yukatas" on the market and then studied the validity of their size and measurements through young women's body measurements, and then tried to propose the better size-system for Japanese costume "Nagagi". Materials were market-research data carried out in June to August, 2006, and the body measurements and the cross section data of hips from the 3-D measurements proceeded for 91 female students from 2004 to 2006. We found that the number of clothing size on the market was very small, the clothes were made too long, and the relation among the body measurements was not considered. We also found that the necessity for expanding sizes to width through the scatter diagram of stature and hip girth, and one and half of hip girth was a good indicator for deciding the width of Nagagi. Then we proposed the size-system for Nagagi on the basis of the above results.
高部 啓子
松本 朋子
坂本 英里香
高橋 佐智子
佐藤 由紀子
高部 啓子
佐藤 由紀子
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