- 論文の詳細を見る
The breasts are vibrated obviously by jumping. It has been thought that the brassiers should control the vibration of breasts. So the authors investigated the effects of controlling the vibration by several kinds of brassiers. Two subjects whose breast sizes were different put three infrared reflex marks on their three points of each body and jumped ten times with camisole, sports bra, super light adhesive bra, brassier and strapless bra in regular sequence. The camisole was used instead of the nude. The first mark was put on the fossa jugularis point and next two marks were put on each theloin. Two video cameras and 3D action analysis soft wear were used in the experiment. Main results were as follows: The subject with smaller breasts showed the effect of controlling the vibration in the case of wearing the sports bra, brassier, strapless bra. The other subject with larger breasts didn't show the evident effect by any kinds of brassiers. The brassiers with straps have to be selected fittingly and adjusted by straps to each wearer; otherwise it is probable that the vibration of breasts will be large.
- 和洋女子大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
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