- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics and influences of hospitalized adolescent's sleep and then to examine the relationship between their sleep and anxiety. The study sample included 24 adolescents, ages 10 to 18 years old, in 4 pediatrics wards in 3 hospitals. Data was collected by the adolescents completing a self-reported questionnaire. Included were characteristics and influences of their sleep in hospitals versus those at home. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children - State (STAIC-S) was also employed as a tool for measurement. The findings are as follows, (a) In the hospital, about 50% of adolescents went to bed at between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m., fell asleep in 30 minutes, and woke up sometime during the night. Reasons for waking up during the night were their physical symptoms, living environment, and others. Two-thirds of the adolescents woke up the night "without any clear reason". (b) Bedtime and time for falling asleep in the hospitals related to those at home with bedtime in hospitals earlier than those at home. (c) According to their self-evaluation of their own sleep, the deeper sleep they had, the better feeling they had when they woke up. Adolescents awaken during the night felt worse than those who were not. (d) Regarding the relationship between sleep and anxiety, adolescents who woke up during the night had higher STAIC-S scores than those who were not awaken during the night in hospitals. We discussed assessment points what health care professions should pay attentions to whenassessing hospitalized adolescent's sleep.
- 宮崎大学の論文
草場 ヒフミ
野間口 千香穂
藤井 加那子
草場 ヒフミ
藤井 加那子
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