Examination of The Correlation between DNA-dependent Protein Kinase and Telomerase Activity
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Telomerase is known as a ribonucleoprotein enzyme essential for the repair of replication-induced deletion of chromosome terminal in most eukaryotes. Although the regulatory mechanism of telomerase inactivation and re-activation has not yet been clarified, there is a possibility that telomerase activity is regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is considered to be a critical enzyme in DNA double-strand break repair and possibility of involvement of this enzyme in the regulation of telomerase is expected. To examin correlation between telomerase and DNA-PK, we purified DNA-PK from human leukaemic MOLT-4 cells by successive column chromatography. Through the conventional process of purification, DNA-PK activity was accompanied by telomerase activity. We used modified purification protcol in this study, and tinaly, succeeded in purification of DNA-PK separately from telomerase activity. This DNA-PK didn't show any effect on the telomerase activity, and these results indicate that the telomerase may not be regulated via phosphorylation with DNA-PK.
- お茶の水女子大学の論文
Matsumoto Yoshihisa
Department Of Anesthesiology And Intensive Care Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa
Murakami-murofushi Kimiko
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Murakami-murofushi Kimiko
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Sience Ochanomizu University
Suzuki Noriko
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Division Of Gene Therapy Research Center For Advanc
Suzuki Norio
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Matsumoto Yoshihisa
Department Of Radiation Oncology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Ikeda Fumi
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sience, Ochanomizu University
Ikeda Fumi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Sience Ochanomizu University
Suzuki Norio
Department Of Radiation Oncology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Suzuki Norio
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Suzuki Noriko
Department of Applied Pharmacology, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
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