- 論文の詳細を見る
A benthic survey was carried out around the Oga Peninsula, Northeast Japan, by dredging in depths from 19 to 10 1m; the attached organisms on immersed basket at Toga were also collected by hand. Oga Peninsula is influenced by the Tsushima Current, branched from the warm Kuroshio Current in summer; however, in the winter the Tsushima Current is suppressed by the cold Liman Current. So that, the sea-surface temperatures around the Oga Peninsula are 25℃ in summer and 7℃ in winter. This report deals with species of the Serpulinae only. Twenty species in 12 genera were recognized; all are already reported from various localities in the Japanese watres. The regional distributions of these serpulids found in the Japanese water to the Micronesian areas are shown in table 3. From this data, serpulids around the Oga Peninsula are also found from Cape Shionomisaki, the Kii Peninsula, which is always washed by the Kuroshio Current (mean sea-surface temperature is 27℃). Based on this investigation, serpulides distributed in the warm waters are found throughout around the Oga Peninsula.
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- 17 チスイビルの眼寄生例
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- 日本動物分類学会発足50周年記念特別寄稿 : 日本動物分類学会年譜
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