A New Method for improving Information Bit Rate and Average Bit Error Rate in Two Way Transmission Systems
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The two way subscriber transmission systems have tendency to spread its frequency bandwidth or to raise information bit rate according to popularization of high speed information transmission through the Internet. This fact is an important incentive to realize new systems. These two way transmission systems usually use same cable or same carrier frequency for both up stream and down stream channels. In the systems, the disturbances by noise, crosstalk or fading affect the characteristics. Specifically, these disturbances cause the decrease of information bit rate and degradation of transmission quality. This paper proposes a new method for reducing degradations utilizing the particular feature of two way transmission systems. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed method is significantly effective.
- 東海大学の論文
Tanaka Kimio
Department Of Physics School Of Medicine Sapporo Medical University
Tanaka K
Tokai Univ. School Of Medicine
Tanaka Kimio
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Konan University
Tanaka Kimio
Department Of Communications Engineering Tokai University
PHETSOMPHOU Douangsamone
course of Electrical Engineering, Tokai University
course of Electrical Engineering, Tokai University
Phetsomphou Douangsamone
Course Of Electrical Engineering Tokai University
Tsuchiya Naosuke
Course Of Electrical Engineering
Tsuchiya Naosuke
Course Of Electrical Engineering Tokai University
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