Measurement of Transmission Error Including Backlash in Angle Transmission Mechanisms for Mechatronic Systems
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The characteristics of angle transmission mechanisms exert a great influence on the servo performance in the robotic or mechatronic mechanism. Especially, the backlash of angle transmission mechanism is preferable the small amount. Recently, some new types of gear reducers with non-backlash have been developed for robots. However, the measurement and evaluation method of the backlash of gear trains has not been considered except old methods which can statically measure at only several meshing points of gears. This paper proposes an overall performance testing method of angle transmission mechanisms for the mechatronic systems. This method can measure the angle transmission error both clockwise and counterclockwise. In addition the backlash can be continuously measured in all meshing positions automatically. This system has been applied to the testing process in the production line of gear reducers for robots, and it has been effective for reducing the backlash of the gear trains.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-03-15
Ming Aiguo
Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Intelligent Systems The University Of Electro-communication
Ming Aiguo
Department Of Mechanical And Control Engineering University Of Electro-communications
Ishikawa Jiro
Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, The University of Electro-Communicatio
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, The University of Electro-Communicatio
Kajitani M
Department Of Mechanical Engineering And Intelligent Systems The University Of Electro-communication
Kanamori C
Univ. Electro‐communications Tokyo Jpn
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