単純船型の波形解析 : 肋骨線形状の影響(その2)
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The resultant of bow and stern waves of Model M 8 (L=2m), the proto-type of the Series II i.c. the Frameline Series is wave-analyzed. As the preliminaly step of analysis, careful investigation is carried out with respect to the probable errors which are involved in the well-known procedure of Newman Sharma's longitudinal cut method. First, Newman's truncation formula is found as not valid except y=0,where the elementary wave number k(θ) exactly equals to K_0=g/V^2. This fact is of great importance because Newman-Sharma's method has its original basis on the asymptotic expression for the free wave system at the infinite distance (y=∞). Secondly, the reduplicability of the amplitude function is examined at several Frounde numbers with respect to M 8 for an ideal fluid, where a finite length of "calculated" wave profiles at the center-line cut (y=0) is adopted. Coincidence is satisfactory expect the transverse wave range (θ=0°〜20°) at hump speeds such as K_0L=14 and 10. This suggests that the truncation error is much more important than the effect of finite transverse separation (y). Demonstration is also given as to the relation between the magnitude of truncation error and the longitudinal distance (x) behind the mdoel, or more exactly, with the radial cut angle Θ. In consideration of these theoretical results, the experiment was carried out not only in the small tank (b=3.5m, U. of Tokyo) but also in the large tank (b=18m, S.R.I. No. 2 Tank). Four parallel cut lines y/l=0.5,1.0,1.5 and 2.0 are adopted, which as a whole give a satisfactory coincidence in the "measured" amplitude function as well as in the "measured" wave resistance. However a remarkable discrepancy is also observed between "measured" and "calculated" wave amplitude, particulary in the smaller range of θ or the transverse wave component, i.e. a serious reduction of amplitude combined with a clear phase-shift toward smaller value of θ. Besides viscocity effects on the stern wave system, some invicid causes like non-linear effects as well as sheltering effects may also be suggested for this discrepancy.
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- 最終講義
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- 船舶流体力学塾(その5) : Hess・Smith+Rankine Source Program
- 船舶流体力学塾(その4) : Hess・Smith+Rankine Source Program
- 船舶流体力学塾 : その3 : Hess・Smith+Rankine Source Program
- 船舶流体力学塾 : その2 : Hess・Smith+Rankine Source Program
- 船舶流体力学塾 : その1 : Hess・Smith+Rankine Source Program
- 初心に戻れない
- 「運」
- 研究室の窓から(その2)
- 研究室の窓から(その1)
- ITTC技術委員会の活動と世界の研究の動向 : (その1)抵抗と流れの研究動向
- 日課のはじまり
- Wigley模型の一粘性流モデル(第2報) : 微小2次流れを仮定した境界層計算
- Wigley模型の一粘性流モデル(第1報) : 二重模型近似外部流の表現
- 自由表面条件を考慮した船型の等価特異点分布とくに線積分効果について
- 3.1.1 船体形状 : 3.1船型改良による省エネルギー : 3.省エネルギー船のための要素技術
- 水線および肋骨線形状と造波抵抗(その2)
- 単純船型の船首波波形解析
- 水線および肋骨線形状と造波抵抗(その2)
- 単純船型の船首波波形解析