Turbulent Flow Measurements of the Boundary Layer on a Decelerating Flat Plate〔含 討論〕
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Velocity profiles, turbulence intensities and Reynolds stresses are measured in the turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate which is moving at a constant speed and is decelerated at a constant rate. The influence of the decelerating rate on the velocity profiles and turbulence quantities is clarified by comparing with those for steady cases. It is shown that the turbu-lence intensities of the decelerating boundary layer are larger than those under the steady condition. A similarity parameter for decelerated flows is derived from a dimensional analy-sis. The velocity profiles and the Reynolds stress distribution under the same parameter be-come a single curve. The turbulence closure model by Cebeci is examined through the ex-perimental data.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
茂里 一紘
茂里 一紘
Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
堀田 多喜男
堀田 多喜男
Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University
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