A Boundary Element Method for the Numerical Simulation of 3-D Nonlinear Water Waves Created by a Submerged Lifting Body
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A boundary element method is developed for the simulation of 3-D non-linear water waves created by a submerged lifting body. Triangular panels are used to represent general 3-D shapes. All the variables are linearly approximated on each panel. The double mesh method is introduced to solve the non-linear free-surface equations and the Laplace equation with high efficiency and accuracy. On the down-stream boundary a new condition is used which is different from the commonly used Sommerfeld condition and proved effective for wave problems. A new implementation of the Kutta condition for the lifting body is proposed where the directions of wake are determined by an iterative procedure so as to satisfy the equal pressure condition at the trailing edge. The unbounded flow around a ship-like body with two wings is first calculated and then the free-surface flows and the hydrodynamic forces for the body are calculated. The computed results are compared with the measured ones. Discussions are made about the validity of the numerical method.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
茂里 一紘
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McClure Associates,Inc.
茂里 一紘
Hiroshima University
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Hiroshima University
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Mcclure Associates Inc.
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