Turgor Regulation in a Brackish Charophyte, Lamprothamnium succinctum : I. Artificial Modification of Intracellular Osmotic Pressure
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Internodal cells of Lamprothamnium succinctum cultured in fresh water and brackish water of different salinities maintained almost the same turgor pressure at steady state. When the turgor pressure was increased by decreasing the external osmolality, the cells recovered their original turgor pressure within 2 h. However, the recovery from de-creased turgor pressure required 1 day. When salts of the external medium were replaced with sorbitol, the cells still regulated the turgor pressure, indicating that the essential factor for the turgor regulation is not the salinity but the osmolality. Internodal cells with osmotic pressure and ion concentrations artificially modified to higher or lower values also regained the original turgor pressure by changing their intracellular osmotic pressure, whether the cells were cultured in brackish water or fresh water. These results indicate that turgor regulation is intrinsic to Lamprothamnium and is initiated by a deviation of turgor pressure from the reference value, which is about 0.35 Osm.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
Shimmen Teruo
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Tazawa Masashi
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry Fukui University Of Technology
Tazawa Masashi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Okazaki Yoshiji
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Okazaki Yoshiji
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Shimmen Teruo
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Osaka University:(present)department Of Botany Faculty Of S
Tazawa Masashi
Departlnent Of Biology Faculty Of Science Osaka University
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