Dependency of H^+ efflux on ATP in cells of Chara australis
- 論文の詳細を見る
The internodal cell of Chara australis was made tonoplast-free by internal perfusion with a medium containing a Ca^<2+>-chelator EGTA and the net H^+ efflux across the plasma membrane was estimated either by titration of the external medium or by measuring the change in pH in the external medium. The amount of H^+ effux was high in the presence of internal ATP and low in its absence. The ATP-dependent net H^+ efflux was about 40 nmoles/m^2/sec. This amount is smaller than that estimated for the pump current on the basis of electrical data obtained earlier (3). This discrepancy is discussed.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
Shimmen Teruo
Department Of Botany Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Shimmen Teruo
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Osaka University:(present)department Of Botany Faculty Of S
Tazawa Masashi
Departlnent Of Biology Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Shimmen Teruo
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
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