Organic Analysis. XVI. Ultraviolet Spectral Study of Substituent Effect on Benzenesulfonamide
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Ultraviolet absorption of 47 benzenesulfonamide derivatives was measured in 95% ethanol. Both electron-donating and -attracting groups in the para-position of sulfon-amide group effected a shift to longer wave lengths. The correlation of displacement of the absorption maxima with the electronic character of substituents was discussed, and approximately linear relation of the shift with Hammett's σ was found in electron donating groups.
- 1959-12-20
百瀬 勉
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Kyushu
上田 陽
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Kyushu
合屋 周次郎
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Kyushu
上田 陽
合屋 周次郎
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Kyushu
百瀬 勉
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Kyushu
百瀬 勉
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University
- Organic Analysis. XVI. Ultraviolet Spectral Study of Substituent Effect on Benzenesulfonamide
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