Organic Analysis. XI. Infrared Spectra of Phenylsulfonyl Derivatives. (1). The SO_2 Stretching Frequencies.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Infrared spectra of 50 phenylsulfonyl derivatives were measured and substituent effect on the sulfonyl group was discussed. Inductive and mesomeric effects of substituents attached to the phenyl ring or directly to the sulfonyl group somewhat affected the frequencies of asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations of SO_2. The frequency shifts had some correlations with Hammett's σ-value of the chemical shifts of benzene derivatives. Synthesis of some phenylsulfonyl derivatives is also described.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1958-08-15
上田 陽
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Kyushu
庄司 達雄
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Kyushu
百瀬 勉
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Kyushu
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