A Shared Multibuffer Architecture for High-Speed ATM Switch LSIs (Special Issue on New Architecture LSIs)
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A new shared multibuffer architecture for high-speed ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) switch LSIs is described. Multiple buffer memories are located between two crosspoint switches. By controlling the input-side corsspoint switch so as to equalize the utilization rate of each buffer memory, these multiple buffer memories can be recognized as a single large shared buffer memory. High utilization efficiency of buffer memory can thus be achieved, and the cell loss ratio is minimized. By accessing the buffer memories in parallel via crosspoint switches, the time required to access the buffer memories is greatly reduced. This feature enables high-speed operation of the switch. The shared multibuffer architecture was implemented in a switch LSI using 0.8-μm BiCMOS process technology. Experimental results revealed that this chip can operate at more than 125 MHz. Bit-sliced eight switch LSIs operating at 78 MHz construct a 622-Mb / s 8×8 ATM switching system with a buffer size of 1,024 ATM cells. Power consumption of the switch LSI was 3 W.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1993-07-25
Notani H
System Lsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Notani Hiromi
Renesas Technology
Notani Hiromi
Lsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Notani H
Renesas Technology
Saito H
Information Technology R Amp D Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Matsuda Y
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Itami‐shi Jpn
Matsuda Yoshio
System Lsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
KONDOH Harufusa
System LSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
OSHIMA Kazuyoshi
Information amp Communication Systems Development Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Kondoh Harufusa
LSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yamanaka Hideaki
Communication Systems Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Higashitani Keiichi
LSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Saito Hirotaka
Communication Systems Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hayashi Isamu
LSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Matsuda Yoshio
LSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Oshima Kazuyoshi
Communication Systems Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Nakaya Masao
LSI Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Nakaya M
System Lsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Nakaya Masao
Lsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hayashi Isamu
Lsi Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Saito H
Ntt Corp. Musashino‐shi Jpn
Kondoh H
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Itami‐shi Jpn
Shibata H
System Lsi Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yamanaka Hideaki
Information Technology R Amp D Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Oshima Kazuyoshi
Information Amp Communication Systems Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Higashitani K
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Itami‐shi Jpn
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