LMS-Based Algorithms with Multi-Band Decomposition of the Estimation Error Applied to System Identification (Special Section on Digital Signal Processing)
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A new cost function based on multi-band decomposition of the estimation error and application of a different step-size for each band is used in connection with the least-mean-square criterion to improve the fidelity of estimates as compared to those obtained with conventional least-mean-square adaptive algorithms. The basic new idea is to trade off time and frequency resolutions of the adaptive algorithm along the frequency domain by using different step-sizes in the analysis of distinct frequencies in accordance with the frequency-localized statistical behavior of the input signal. The mathematical background for a stochastic approach to the multi-band decomposition-based scheme is presented and algorithms with fixed and variable step-sizes are derived. Computer experiments compare the performance of multi-band and conventional least-mean-square methods when applied to system identification.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1997-08-25
Resende F
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Kaneko M
Japan Advanced Inst. Sci. And Technol. Jpn
Kaneko Mineo
School Of Information Science Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Tokuda K
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Tokuda Keiichi
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Tokuda Keiichi
RESENDE Fernando
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokuda Keiichi
The Department Of Computer Science Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Kaneko Mineo
Federal University Of Rio De Janeiro
Nishihara A
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Prog. de Engenharia Eletrica e Depto. de Eletronica, COPPE
Diniz Paulo
Prog. De Engenharia Eletrica E Depto. De Eletronica Coppe
Nishihara Akinori
Center For Research And Development Of Educational Technology Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nishihara Akinori
Department Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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