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Seven patients with disseminated non-seminomatous testicular cancer were treated by surgical removal of metastatic foci, following chemotherapy using a combination of actinomycin-D, methotraxate, cyclophosphamide and vincristine, or a combination of cis-diamminedichloroplatinm, vinblastine and bleomycin. In 2 out of the 7 cases, resected metastatic tissues proved to be mature teratoma. The primary tumors of these 2 cases were embryonal carcinomas and contained no choliomatous elements. The levels of tumor markers (serumce α-fetoprotein and urinary human cholionic gonadotropine) in these 2 cases before surgery fell within a normal range by chemotherapy. The metastatic foci which turned into differentiated tissues (teratoma) were cystic and spongy macroscopically. Microscopically these differentiated tissues were composed of glandular epitherium and smooth muscle cells. In our experiments, cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, vinblastine, and bleomycin in combination was administered to nude mice (BALB/C strain) bearing with human embryonal carcinoma. In some of the semice, tumor cell differention was observed. With regard to the mechanism of tumor maturation, the following can be considered from our experiences. (1) Embryonal carcinomas have to tipotential ability. (2) Totipotential malignant cells can turn into mature teratoma by chemotherapy. (3) Differentiation of totipotential malignant tumors is in fluenced by cell kinetics and biological response.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1982-07-20
町田 豊平
町田 豊平
増田 富士男
赤阪 雄一郎
東京慈恵会医科大学 泌尿器科
柳沢 宗利
柳沢 宗利
増田 富士男
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