培養 L 細胞に対するクレゾールとホルマリンの増殖抑制作用
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This paper describes toxicities of cresol and formalin examined by a tissue culture method utilizing monolayers of strain L 929 mouse cells in modified Eagle's medium. Sample drugs were diluted into the medium in the concentrations of 10^<-7>, 10^<-6>, 10^<-5>, 10^<-4>, 10^<-3>, 10^<-2>, and 5×10^<-2> g/ml to be contacted with cell monolayers throughout the setting time. The cells exposed to the drug were examined morphologically by phase contrast microscopy, and at the end of 24, 48 and 72-hour cultivation they were detached and decomposed to each nucleus with the use of citric acid. Then the numbers of the nuclei of viable cells, which were identified by crystal violet staining, were counted with the use of a hemacytometer. Both cresol and formalin were extremely toxic so that they brought all the tissue culture cells complete decomposition even when the concentration of each drug was 10^<-3> g/ml. When it was from 10^<-6> g/ml to 10^<-4> g/ml, cresol caused less destruction of cells and freer from restraint on cell multiplication than formalin did. In the concentration of 10^<-5> g/ml the cell transformation with cresol was slight and recoverable whereas the one with formalin was irreversible and finally resulted in cell death. Not any effect was found in the concentration of 10^<-7> g/ml of both drugs. The cells morphologically changed more promptly when they were exposed to cresol than to formalin ; the time for appearance of changes was tens of seconds for cresol and about 60 minutes for formalin.
- 1985-08-25
- トルエン吸入が自由行動下ラットの大脳皮質前頭前野と側坐核における細胞外ノルアドレナリンとドパミンを増加させる
- 平成14年度九州歯科大学OSCEトライアルにおける受験生アンケート調査
- 九州歯科大学におけるOSCEトライアルの評価
- P-4 九州歯科大学OSCEトライアルにおける模擬患者の評価の分析
- P-3 九州歯科大学OSCEトライアルにおける受験生アンケート調査
- P-2 第1回九州歯科大学共用試験歯学OSCEトライアルの評価結果に対する評価者間の検討
- P-1 九州歯科大学におけるOSCEトライアル : 概要と問題抽出
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- 九州歯科大学教員の健康と生活習慣に関する研究