- 論文の詳細を見る
Aspergillus species have been used for the traditional fermentation industry and are widely exploited for the production of homologous and heterologous protein production. The most important characteristic of the species is the high capacity of its protein secretion machinery. The long history of biological studies has shown that the productivity of protein in the solid-state culture frequently exceeds the productivity in the submerged culture. In this study, a unique mechanism, which regulates the location of a proteins, was found in the last step of protein secretion pathway of Aspergillus species. In general, filamentous fungi should secrete the proteins into medium through their cell wall. In the production of β-glucosidase (BglA) in Aspergillus kawachii, the proteins were trapped in the cell wall fraction under the submerged culture condition but were released into the medium from the cell wall under the solid-state culture conditions. The BglA protein was able to adsorb the cell wall fraction of A. kawachii. Extracellular soluble polysaccharide (ESP) from A. kawachii was involved in the mechanism to release the BglA protein from the cell wall fraction. The ESP directly interacted with β-glucosidase and inhibited the absorption of protein to the cell wall. Moreover, ESP and the cell wall fraction of A. kawachii drastically improved the stability of BglA protein. Following this study, we applied post-genomic approaches to reveal the difference of protein production between solid-state culture and submerged culture in the proteome level. According to the result of differential display of secreted proteins in the two sets of culture conditions, it was found that the most secreted protein was identified in the range of pI 3.5-7.0, but the profiles of the proteins were significantly different between each culture conditions. The difference of profiles will lead us to detailed understandings of the protein production mechanism in Aspergillus species at the molecular level.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2005-02-25
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