透過型および走査型電子顕微鏡による米粒の胚乳構造の観察 : 酒造米の特性に関する研究(第4報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate the characteristics of rice for sake brewing from the viewpoint of the histology of the rice grain, the endosperm structure of the rice grain was examined with transmission and scanning electron microscopes. In this experiment, the rice grain was touched in the middle with a razor blade, pressed lightly to make a crack, broken open with the fingers, and the transverse section was examined. The transverse section of the rice grain broken open was replicated with an acetyl cullulose film, and was then examined with a transmission electron microscope (HS-7D type, Hitachi, Ltd., and a JEM-50B type, Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co.). In the case of the examination with a scanning electron microscope (JSM-U3 type, Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co.), the transverse section of the rice grain broken open was coated with atomized gold in a vacuum evaporator.1. The compound starch granules were irregularly spherical or ellipsoidal, resembling potatoes with respect to their shapes. The diameter was about 14 μm on the average; more specifically, the diameter ranges from 7 to 25 μm.2. The compound starch granules of the F varieties (the varieties of rice commonly used as daily food) were comprised of single starch granules which showed sharp edges and combined compactly with each other, and the openings between the compound starch granules were very small and narrow. There were both compound starch granules of the S varieties (the varieties of rice mainly used for sake brewing) which were had the same kind of structure as that of the F varieties, and compound starch granules which were comprised of single starch granules which were slightly larger and showed more rounded edges, and whoes openings were slightly larger.3. The structure of the white-core portion of the white-core rice grain was revealed thorugh examination with a scanning electron microscope. In the white-coreprotion, single starch granules of various shapes, i.e., pentagonal truncated pyramidal, polyhedral, rubble-like, hemispherical, spherical (2 to 5 μm in diameter), and very small compound starch granules of ellipsodial shape, massed at random, and large irregular openings among the starch granules could be perceived. It seemed difficult to form compound starch granules of normal size, and even if the compound starch granules were formed, the shapes were imperfect because the number of single starch granules forming the compound starch granules were not sufficient. In addition, single starch granules were massed loosely together, so that large irregular openings could be perceived. It was supposed that the reason why the white-core protion appeared to be poaque was due to such a structure as mentioned above. But according to the distance from the white-core portion, the compound starch granule formation and arrangement became normal.4. In the S varieties, even if the white-core portion was not apparent in the rice grain, a certain degree of the white-core structure colud be perceived at the portion of narrow width along the dorso-ventral line of the rice grain under scanning electorn microscopy.5. In the F varieties, compound starch granules in the endosperm cell were well formed and arranged even at the center of the rice grain.It was supposed that the facts described above would be reflected in the differences between the S and the F varieties with regard to physical properities such as herdness, fracturability, and water absorptivity of the rice grain, and in koji-making in sake brewing.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1974-01-25
- 固定床を用いる接触生物酸化のシミュレイション : 改良型活性汚泥法(第1法)
- 排煙脱硝脱硫排水中のジチオン酸の生物学的除去 : 排煙脱硝脱硫排水の処理の実用化に関する研究(第4報)
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- 365 スエヒロタケによるpolysaccharideの生産
- 451 Fed-batch培養でのTrichoderma reeseiのセルラーゼ生産の動力学的研究
- 411 回転円板法を用いるタピオカ澱粉排水の処理(1)
- 337 Trichoderma virideによるCellulase生産の解析
- 218 水素細菌の培養工学的基礎研究
- 326. 生物吸着を考慮した活性汚泥プロセスの動特性
- 212. Cellobiose を基質とする Trichoderma viride cellulase 生産の Kimetics
- 141. グルコアミラーゼおよびα-アミラーゼを用いた複合酵素系によるアミロースの分解
- 136 Micrococcus denitrificansによる脱窒素反応の速度論的解析
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- 335 エタノール資化性酵母培養における醗酵熱を考慮した動力学的研究
- 6. 清酒麹より分離した一酢酸菌について (昭和37年度 日本醗酵工学会大会講演会研究発表要旨(40周年記念))
- 34.微生物の細胞膜に関する研究 : (第1報)酵母, 麹菌細胞膜のキチンについて
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- 2. 大阪局管内の井水および麹中の細菌調査(大阪醸造学会第12回講演会研究発表要旨)
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- 27. Light scatteringによる清酒白ボケの観察
- 27. Light scatteringによる清酒白ボケの観察 (大阪醸造学会第11回講演会研究発表要旨)
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- 玄米の直接的食品化に関する研究
- 1992年度家政学学術講演 : 卵の加熱調理における緑変の抑止
- 昭和50年度家政学学術講演 : 米胚乳部の微細構造 : 酒造好適米の特性との関連
- 麹菌の変異に関する研究 (第10報) : C.化学物質による誘発変異について (4)
- 麹菌の変異に関する研究 (第9報) : C. 化学物質による誘発変異に就て (3)
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- 109 絹精錬排水の処理
- 3,製麹時における水分と炭酸ガス発生の状況 : (第3報) 炭酸ガス発生の経過について
- 2. 製麹時における水分と炭酸ガス発生の状況 : (第2報) 水分の経過について
- 生化学的脱窒素法
- これからの廃水処理
- QCと公害
- 16. 清酒醸造工程におけるPyruvic acidの消長 : (第3報) 酒母および醪中のPy. a. とV.B_1との関係
- 清酒醸造工程におけるPyruvic acidの消長 : (第2報)麹菌の生産するPyruvic acidについて
- 清酒醸造工程におけるPyruvic acidの消長-2・3-
- 清酒工業における紫外線殺菌の応用(話題〔醗酵及び食糧工業に於ける防腐と殺菌〕)
- 5.清酒工業における紫外線殺菌の応用)(放射線殺菌)〔(醗酵及び食糧工業に於ける防腐と殺菌〕)
- 清酒醸造工程における Pyruvic acid の消長 : (第1報) Salicylaldehyde法による Pyruvic acidの定量
- 56.γ線照射によるビタミンB_1,Cの分解(第10回大会研究発表要旨)
- 審査員の撰択及び構成について(話題〔醸造製品の官能審査〕)
- 味覚に関する調査(話題〔醸造製品の官能審査〕)
- 20. 清酒醸造の品質管理 : (第2報) 原料米と精白効率に関する考察