清酒の連続醗酵 : (第2報)清酒連続醗酵の工業化
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A newly devised apparatus was applied successfully to a continuous sake fermentation for 32 days in a semi-continuous four-vessel system with a preliminary vessel of one-fourth capacity of the main vessel. This preliminary vessel was installed before the 1st vessel in order to promote the yeast growth and repress microbial contamination. The experimental conditions employed were as follow : total weight of rice in each vessel 1,000 kg, mash concentration : 130%, dilution rate : 0.25/day, temperature : 15℃, type of yeast : Kyokai No. 7. Feed was supplied stepwise once a day in the preliminary vessel, mixed with lactic acid and with the yeast inoculum supplied by the feed-back of a part of the foam produced in the 1st vessel. The whole mash was transferred to the 1st vessel 47 hours after inoculating yeast : The new apparatus consisted of four closed square-shaped vessels of stainless steel. Each vessel had a capacity of 3-5 kl ; the 1st vessel we placed on top of the apparatus, and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th vessels were arranged stepwise. Each vessel was equipped vertically with a partition plate, by which one-fourth of the mash in each vessel was separated from the rest. The separated mash was drained off into the next vessel by releasing a value, and then by pulling up the plate, another one-fourth of the mash was let out into the devided section. Thus, by opening and shutting the plate, the mash was successively transferred without being stirred up. Throughout the continuous fermentation period of 32 days, a high sake-yeast population was maintained in the mash without any contamination ; only a little daily change in mash analyses of Baume, alcohol and direct sugar contents, acidity, amino acidity ad the ratio of solid part of mash were observed. These facts may prove this procedure is effective for producing and maintaining stability of mash, suggesting the possibility of devising an automatic apparatus for continuous sake fermentation.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
林田 晋策
川原田 肇
本江 元吉
本江 元吉
蒲池 励
本江 元吉
林田 晋策
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