- 論文の詳細を見る
It is known that glutamic acid producing bacteria produced only small amounts of the acid when growing at the maximum rate in a medium containing an excess amount of biotin, but that the bacteria produced a considerable amount of the acid in a medium with a suboptimal level of biotin.The effects of surface active agents on the glutamic acid production by Micrococcus glutamicus were investigated, and the following results were obtained.The addition of cationic, anionic, nonionic, or ampholytic surface active agents to the medium containing 2.5μg/l of biotin promoted and increased the glutamic acid production. In these cases, a correlation between the concentrations and the time of the addition of those agents was found : The addition of the agents in low concentration to a cultivation in a comparatively early age was more effective for the production of the acid than to a cultivation in a later age.In the medium containing the high concentration of biotin, 5〜50μg/l, only small amounts of glutamic acid were produced, but the addition of a cationic active agent (cetyltrimethylammonium chloride) stimulated the production of the acid. In such a case, a correlation between the concentrations of biotin in the medium and those of the agent was also found : The addition of hte agent in high concentration to a culture medium of a high concentration of biotin was more effective for the production of the acid than to a culture medium of a low concentration of biotin.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1962-12-15
宇田川 清
阿部 重雄
木下 祝郎
木下 祝郎
阿部 重雄
協和醗酵工業株式会社, 東京研究所
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