合成糖液を用いた濾液発酵清酒における香気生成促進物質の効果 : 酵母の香気生成に関する研究(第5報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of promotion factors on flavor formation in sake were examined using synthetic saccharified solution.Phytin, inorganic ions (PO_4^<3->, Mg^<2+>, K^+), thiamine, and pantothenic acid promoted isoamyl acetate formation. Of these inorganic ions, Mg^<2+> was the most effective in isoamyl acetate formation.Intracellular acetyl-CoA content increased with the addition of pantothenic acid to the synthetic saccharified solution and the increase was promoted by the addition of thiamine.We suggested the reason for the higher content of acetate esters in sake fermented with a saccharified solution of brown rice and rice bran as follows. Phytin and inorganic ion had effects on the increase of yeast density and so higher alcohol formation was increased. On the other hand, the increased yeast cells can hold acetyl-CoA sufficiently in the cells by enrichment of pantothenic acid and thiamine in the medium. According to the increase of both substrates, isoamyl alcohol and acetyl-CoA, higher contents of acetate esters were obtained.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1989-09-25
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