Placental Transfer of ^<59>Fe in Rats after Intravenous Injection of ^<59>Fe-iron Dextran at Near Term
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The placental transfer of particulate materials was examined using iron dextran as the tracer particle. ^<59>Fe-iron dextran (3.7 mg iron/animal) was injected intravenously into pregnant rats on day 18 of gestation. The fraction of injected radioiron accumulated in fetus was 0.009% of injection dose per gram wet weight of fetus between 10 and 60 minutes after injection, and 0.033% between 2 and 4 hours after injection. After subtraction of the ^<59>Fe that had dissociated from ^<59>Fe-fron dextran and had been taken up by transferrin in serum or reticuloendothelial sytem, the amount of ^<59>Fe accumulated in fetus between the respective times after injection were undetectable and 0.030% of administered dose per gram wet weight of fetus. The rare earths and almost all transuranic radionuclides circulate in the maternal blood as colloids. Cross placental transfer and tissular deposition in the feto-placental system of soluble agents, such as ions, carbohydrates and amino acids have been well investigated1), but those of colloidal or macromolecular materials remain obscure.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
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松岡 理
久保田 善久
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久保田 善久
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