Experimental and Clinical Studies on Prognosis-Deteriorating Factors in the Acute Stage of Intraventricular Hemorrhage
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Intraventricular hemorrhage in its acute stage was investigated both experimentally and clinically with special emphasis on factors that aggravate its prognosis. In an experimental study, two groups of animals, one with blood clots in the ventricle and the other with liquid blood in the ventricle, were compared in terms of pathophysiological and morphological features. The fatal outcome in the experimental dogs was related to the amount of blood injected and its rate of injection. The injection of non-heparinized blood into the ventricle might have a more delaterious effect on the brain than that of heparinized blood. The following factors were shown to play a significant role in deterioration of the existing disease: 1) the amount of hematoma and the rate of blood injection (or speed of bleeding), 2) intraventricular blood clot formation and its extent, 3) disturbance of cerebrospinal fluid circulation, 4) paraventricular tissue damage, 5) the site and extent of intracerebral hematoma and ventricular perforation and 6) the primary disease and age.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1981-01-15
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University
Kondo Tsutomu
Department Of Civil Engineering College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Kondo Tsutomu
Department Of Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Wakamatsu Ken-ichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Department of Neurological Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Department of Neurological Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
MIYAGAMI Mitsusuke
Department of Neurological Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Murakami Tetsuo
Department Of Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Moriyasu Nobuo
Department Of Neurological Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Moriyasu Nobuo
Department Of Neurological Surgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Nihon
Tsubokawa Takashi
Department Of Neurological Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Tsubokawa Takashi
Department Of Neurological Surgery School Of Medicine Nihon University
Miyagami Mitsusuke
Department Of Neurological Surgery School Of Medicine Nihon University
Department of Neurosurgery, Nihon University School of Medicine
Tsubokawa Takashi
Department Of Neuroligical Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Moriyasu Nobuo
Department Of Neurological Surgery School Of Medicine Nihon University
Takeuchi Totaro
Neurosurgical Department The Municipal Of Higashimatsuyama Hospital
Miyagami Mitsusuke
Department Of Neurological Surgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Takeuchi Tohtaro
Department Of Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Kondo Tsutomu
Department of Anesthesiology, The Jikei University School of Medicine
Department of Food and Nutrition Faculty of Agriculture Kinki University
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