Ground States of Double Spin Chain Systems TlCuCl_3,NH_4CuCl_3 and CuBr_3
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The rnagnetic susceptibilities of S : 1/2 double spin chain systems, TlCuCl3, NH,jCuCI3 andKCLlBI3, which are isomorphotrs with KCL1Cl3 have been treasured trsing single crystals andpolycrystals. The exchange interactions in a dovrble chain can be described by a Heisenbergspin ladder with an additional diagonal interaction. It is found for TlCuCI3 and KCuBr3 thatwith decreasing ternperattmre the susceptibilities for different external field directions exhibitbroad maxima at 38 K and 130 K, respectively, and decrease exponentially to zero as observedin KCuCl3. This restrlt indicates that their ground state is a spin singlet with an excitation gap.This behavior is attributed to the quantturaa effect characteristic of the spin ladder systeun. ForNH4CL1CI3, the susceptibility of polycrystals displays a rotund maxiunurn at 4.5K and decreaseswith a tendency toward zero, which implies the nonrnagnetic ground state.
- 1997-06-15
Kato T
Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
TAKATSU Ken-ichi
Department of Physics,Tohoku Institute for Technology
Shiramura Wakako
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Sophia University
KATO Tetsuya
Faculty of Education, Chiba University
Kato T
Faculty Of Education Chiba University
Tanaka Hidekazu
Department Of Internal Medicine Iii Osaka Medical College
Tanaka Hidekazu
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tanaka Hidekazu
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Biology Gunma University
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