A New Proposal for Neutrino Mass and |V_<ud>| Measurements(Particles and Fields)
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We introduce a new method to detect the absolute neutrino mass scale. It uses a macroscopic mass of tritium source. We explain that the neutrino mass can be measured by scaling the mass difference of the source between initial and final states, and its heat value. This method is free from the electron energy resolution limit and the statistical error. We estimate the required accuracy to measure the neutrino mass. We also report that the {u,d} component of the CKM matrix, |V_<ud>| may be determined in 10^<-6> accuracy as an application of this work.
- 2010-06-25
TANAKA Hidekazu
Department of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University
Matsuzaki Akihiro
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
Tanaka Hidekazu
Department Of Internal Medicine Iii Osaka Medical College
Tanaka Hidekazu
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tanaka Hidekazu
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Biology Gunma University
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Shinshu University
Tanaka Hidekazu
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University
- A New Proposal for Neutrino Mass and |V_| Measurements(Particles and Fields)
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- 213 惑星系最初期進化におけるダスト衝突破壊過程の重要性(オーラルセッション7 分子雲・原始惑星系円盤)
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- 320 微惑星衝撃波による微惑星の蒸発(オーラルセッション9 惑星形成過程)
- 103 ダストアグリゲイトの衝突シミュレーション : サイズ比の効果(オーラルセッション1 ダスト・隕石)
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- 329 デブリ円盤における衝突の効果 : 惑星形成時の衝突による質量損失(原始惑星系円盤II,オーラルセッション11)
- 327 ダスト合体成長による微惑星形成と惑星集積の初期条件(原始惑星系円盤II,オーラルセッション11)
- 326 衝突によるダストの破壊と成長(原始惑星系円盤II,オーラルセッション11)
- 325 合体成長過程におけるダスト構造進化の数値計算 : 斜め衝突の効果(原始惑星系円盤II,オーラルセッション11)