Critical Behavior of the Spin System with Anisotropic Exchange Interaction. II. : Two-Dimensional Lattice
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The phase transition for the spin systems described by the Hamiltonian ℋ=-2JΣ__<<i,j>>(ξS_<i^x>S_<j^x>+ηS_<i^y>S_<j^y>+S_<i^z>S_<j^z>)-gμHΣ__iS_<i^z> is studied by means of the high-temperature series expansion of the zero field susceptibility. The first five terms in the susceptibility series are explicitly obtained for the two-dimensional square lattice in the cases of (i) 0<__-ξ<__1, η=0 and (ii) 0<__-ξ=η<__-1. The critical temperature T_c and the critical exponent γ (susceptibility) are obtained as functions of the spin S and the anisotropy parameter ξ. The critical temperature has a finite value in the XY model (ξ=1, η=0) as well as the Heisenberg model (ξ=η=1). The simple formulae expressing T_c and γ valid for arbitrary S and ξ are proposed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1971-10-05
Oguchi Takehiko
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ishikawa Takuma
Department Of Materials Science Iwakimeisei University
Ishikawa Takuma
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute If Technology
Oguchi Takehiko
Department Of Physics Tokyo Insitute Of Technology:the Technological University Of Nagaoka
Ishikawa Takuma
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, College of Engineering, Nihon University, Tamura-machi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8642, Japan
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