First-Order Magnetic Phase Transition in bcc FeRh-Ir Alloy under High Pressures up to 6.2 GPa
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Magnetic phase transitions in bcc FeRh_<0.95> Ir_<0.05> alloy were investigated under high pressures up to 6.2 GPa by means of X-ray diffractometry using synchrotron radiation. The phase transition from antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic at high pressures with increasing temperature was confirmed to be a first-order phase transition accompanied by a volume expansion of about 0.3%. The mechanism of the first-order magnetic transition was interpreted in terms of spin fluctuation and magneto-volume effect.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1994-03-15
Yokoyama Hiroyuki
Department of Medicine (Cardiology), National Cardiovascular Center
Yuasa Shinji
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Miyajima Hideki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
TSUJI Kazuhiko
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio Unviersity
Tsuji K
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Otani Yoshichika
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
KATAYAMA Yoshinori
Department of Synchrotron Radiation Research, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Photon Factory, National Laboratory of High Energy Physics
Tsuji Kazuhiko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Tamura Kozaburo
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Tamura Kozaburo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University:faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences Hi
Kiyanagi Y
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo
Yaoita K
Inoue Superliquid Glass Project Erato Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst)
Yaoita Kenichi
National Institute For Research In Inorganic Materials
Yaoita Kenichi
Inoue Superliquid Glass Project Exploratory Research For Advanced Technology Japan Science And Techn
Kawakita Y
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Sciences Kyushu University
Kiyanagi Yoshiaki
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University
Kiyanagi Yoshiaki
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Hokkaido University
Katayama Y
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Katayama Yoshinori
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Kusumi Kazuhisa
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Yaoita Kenichi
Inoue Superliquid Glass Project Erato Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst)
Yokoyama Hiroyuki
Department Of Cardiology Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Otani Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Otani Yoshichika
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Shimomura Osamu
Photon Factory National Laboratory For High Energy Physics
Yokoyama Hiroyuki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Kusumi Kazuhisa
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Tsuji Kazuhiko
Department Of Materials Chemistry Ryukoku University
Katayama Yoshinori
Department Of Pediatrics & Neonatology Takatsuki General Hospital
Yokoyama Hiroyuki
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Niigata University
Otani YoshiChika
Department of Material Physics and Chemistry, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, People's Republic of China
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