Magnetic domain structure of micron-size Co line arrays
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The magnetic domain structure of lithographic Co line (1 μm×280μm×70 nm) arrays was investigated in terms of a shape effect. The strong shape anisotropy along the Co line plays an important role in the formation of the magnetic domain structure. The magnetic stray field distribution above the Co line array was measured by using magnetic force microscope (MFM). As the magnetization of the Co line was saturated along the line, the stripe domain structure was observed. The direction of the magnetic moment was periodically modulated along the mean magnetization direction. The periodicity (λ=0.8 μm) is much longer than that of the magnetic ripple structure (〜10nm) which is generally observed in the polycrystalline ferromagnetic Co thin film. The stripe domain structure is caused by the competition between the crystalline anisotropy perpendicular to the film plane and the shape anisotropy of the line.
- 社団法人日本磁気学会の論文
- 1999-01-20
Miyajima Hideki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Ono T
Department Of Physics Keio University
Ono Teruo
Department Of Biochemistry Niigata University School Of Medicine
Hoechst Research and Technology Japan Ltd.
Nozaki Yukio
Department of Electronic Device Engineering, Kyushu University
Matsuyama Kimihide
Department of Electronic Device Engineering, Kyushu University
Matsuyama Kimihide
Department Of Electrical Engineering Kyushu University
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