PART II Phenomenological Analyses of High Energy Scattering
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1967-11-30
BANDO Masako
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Bando Masako
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
MORITA Katsusada
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
SUMI Yoshio
Department of Physics, Hiroshima University
Department of Physics,Kanazawa University
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
KANADA Hiroyuki
Department of Physics, Niigata University
OHBA Ichiro
Department of Physics, Waseda University
Suzuki Haruo
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
Bando Masako
Department Of Nuclear Science Kyoto University
Ohba Ichiro
Department Of Physics And Science And Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
Sumi Yoshio
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Matsuoka Takeo
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Department of Physics, Waseda University
YOSHIDA Toshihiro
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Yoshida Toshihiro
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Osaka Institute Of Technology (at Present; Division Of Advanced
Suzuki Haruo
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University:(present Address) Technical Research Center Nippon K
Science and Engineering Research Laboratory Waseda University
Fujimura Kimio
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
Morita Katsusada
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Ohba Ichiro
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
Kanada Hiroyuki
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Kanada Hiroyuki
Department Of General Education Niigata University
Suzuki Tsuneo
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Suzuki Tsuneo
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
Morita Katsusada
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nagoya University
Suzuki Tsuneo
Department Of Forensic Medicine Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Morita Katsusada
Department Of Physics Dalhousie University Halifax : Nagoya University
Deparment of Physics, Rikkyo University
- Can Composite Quarks and Leptons Be Realistic?
- Quaternions, Lorentz Group and the Dirac Theory(Particles and Fields)
- Characteristic Features of ψ(4.16) and ψ('4.4') in Their Decays into Charmed Mesons
- Single Channel Dominance in the Decays of the Resonances above Charm Threshold in e^+-e^- Annihilation
- Sogami's Generalized Covariant Derivative and Non-Commutative Differential Geometry : Particles and Fields
- Weinberg-Salam Theory Based on a Z_2-Graded Algebra : Particles and Fields
- Construction and Performance of a Large-Aperture Wire-Chamber Spectrometer for Pion Scattering Experiments at KEK
- Experimantal Study of Inclusive Reaction ^C(γ,π^-) at 44.2°
- Inter-Meson Potentials in Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory : Particles and Fields
- Sensitive determination of methomyl in blood using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as its oxime tert.-butyldimethylsilyl derivative
- large Lepton Flavor Mixing and E_6-Type Unification Models
- Fermion masses and mixings in a string inspired model.
- The Weak scale hierarchy and discrete symmetries.
- The Aligned SU(5) x U(1)^2 model.
- How can we obtain a large Majorana-mass in Calabi-Yau models?
- The String unification of gauge couplings and gauge kinetic mixings.
- Chargino and Neutralino Mass Spectra in Superstring-Inspired E_6 Model with R-Parity Violation : Particles and Fields
- Monojets and Production of a New Heavy Particle : Particles and Fields
- On p-He^4 Effective Potential and Nuclear Forces
- Deformation Effect on the Skyrmion-(Anti-)Skyrmion Interaction Potential in the ω-Stabilized Skyrme Model
- On the Resonance-Like Behavior in the pp Scattering Amplitudes : Nuclear Physics
- Dibaryon Resonace and Aligned Coupling States of Nucleon and Δ Isobar
- Backward Peak in Proton-Deuteron Elastic Scattering at High Energy
- Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energy
- Mechanism of "ΔI=1/2 Enhancement" in the Relativistic Quark Model
- Note on the Photocouplings of Mesons
- Hadron Matrix Elementsd of Quark Operators in the Relativistic Quark Model. II : Model Calculation
- Hadron Matrix Elements of Quark Operators in the Relativistic Quark Model
- Decays of the New and Old Hadrons. I : On the Universality of Baryons and Mesons
- Analysis of the Photocouplings of Baryon Resonances
- Dibaryon Resonances in Pion-Deuteron Scattering : Nuclear Physics
- Phenomenological Analysis of Pion Nucleon Scattering at High Energies
- Nucleon- and Antinucleon-Nucleon Elastic and Charge Exchange Processes
- Nonmesic Decay of Light Hypernuclei : Structure of the Weak Interaction Λ+N→N+N
- One-Particle-Exchange Model in Pion Photoproduction. I
- Recoil Proton Polarization and Differential Cross Section in Eta-Meson Photoproduction at 890 MeV
- Elastic and Inelastic Collisions of 55 MeV Proton with ^4He
- Lorentz Invariance and the Unitarity Problem in Non-Commutative Field Theory
- On the Phase Shifts of Proton-He^4 Scattering
- On Large Angle Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energy
- Yukawa Couplings and Global Symmetries in Four-Generation Superstring Models
- External Gauge Invariance and Anomaly in BS Vertices and Boundstates : Particles and Fields
- On a Phase with Spontaneously Broken Scale Invariance in Three Dimensional O(N) Models
- A Constraint from the Kallen-Lehmann Representation on the (φ^4)_4 Theory
- Radiative Pion Capture in Complex Nuclei
- : Particles and Fields
- Real Amplitude in High Energy Elastic Scattering
- ρ^0- and ψ^0-Meson Photoproduction from Hydrogen and Deuterium
- A Comment on a New Interpretation of the Chiral Anomaly
- Composite Gauge Bosons and "Low Energy Theorems" of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Eight Quark Model with Modified Left-Handed Currents
- Lorentz-Invariant Non-Commutative Space-Time Based on DFR Algebra
- Connes' Gauge Theory and Weinberg-Salam Model of Leptons on Noncommutative Space-Time
- Lagrangian Formulation of NCG Gauge Theory : Particles and Fields
- Gauge Theories Coupled to Fermions in Generation : Particles and Fields
- Lagrangian Formulation of NCG Gauge Theory. II
- The Regge Pole Hypothesis and an Extended Particle Model
- Quark Model and High Energy Scattering
- PART II Phenomenological Analyses of High Energy Scattering
- Quark Model with Factorizability Assumption
- Quark Model and Elastic Scattering at 90°
- Meson-Nucleon Elastic and Charge Exchange Processes
- Generalized Vector Dominance Model and Deep Inelastic Electron-Meson Scattering
- Lorentz-Invariant Non-Commutative QED(Particles and Fields)
- Dual Realistic Quark Model
- On the Polarization in Elastic Pion-Nucleon Scattering in a Few GeV Region
- Lorentz Invariance and the Unitarity Problem in Non-Commutative Field Theory(Particles and Fields)
- Scattering and Reaction Cross Sections in the p+α System with the Multiconfiguration Resonating-Group Method : Nuclear Physics
- Specific Distortion Effects in the d+α System with a Repulsive Three-Nuclear Potential
- Microscopic Study of Nucleon-^4He Scattering and Effective Nuclear Potentials
- All-Angle Behavior of Two-Body Scattering and Urbaryon Rearrangement
- K-N Inelastic Processes
- On a Class of High-Energy Elastic Amplitudes Associated with Rising Total Cross Sections
- Simple Properties of Corrections to the Regge-Pole Amplitudes in Charge and Hypercharge Exchange Reactions
- Monopole Condensation and String Theory of Hadrons(Recent Developments in QCD and Hadron Physics)
- Study of Hadrons with Relativistic Equation of two Body System
- Microscopic Study of Proton-^4He Scattering with Complex Effective N-N Interaction
- Capter III Study of Non-Alpha-Nuclei Based on the Viewpoint of Cluster Correlations
- Microscopic Study of d-^4He Scattering by RGM with Distortion Effect
- Study of Distortion Effects in the Elastic d-^4He Scattering by Orthogonality Condition Model
- Effects of the Pauli Principle and Channel Coupling on the Nuclear Reactions. II : Six-Nucleon System
- Effect of the Pauli Principle and Channel Coupling on the Nuclear Reactions : Five-Nucleon System
- Study of Two-Channel Five-Nucleon Reaction with Nuclear Forces
- Effect Due to the Pauli Principle and Channel Coupling : Inner Repulsive Effect and Resonance-Like Contribution
- Effect of the Pauli Principle and Channel Coupling on the Nuclear Reaction. III : Reaction Mechanism
- Partial Wave Dispersion Relation with Inelastic Cut and Pion-Pion Scattering in the 1 GeV Region
- Pion Form Factor and Possible Heavy Vector Meson
- Realistic Spectral Function for Iso-Vector Part and Asymptotic Behaviour of Nucleon Form Factor
- Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution to Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering on the Basis of Pion-Pion Dynamics
- Note on the Iso-Vector Part of the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
- Effect of Nucleon Higher Resonances on the Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors
- Effects of the Resonance Scattering Amplitude at High Energies
- Sogami's Generalized Covariant Derivative in Gauge and Non-Gauge Theories : Particles and Fields
- Non-Linear Realization in Supersymmetric Theories : Particles and Fields
- A New Approach to Relativistic Composite Model of Hadrons. I
- Super Exclusion Principle for Hadronic Processes. I
- Regge Poles for Coulomb Potential from the Dynamical SO(4, 2) Theory
- Schrodinger Picture for the Nambu-Takabayasi Equation and Transition Form Factors
- Gauge Theories Coupled to Fermions in Generation : Particles and Fields