A Constraint from the Kallen-Lehmann Representation on the (φ^4)_4 Theory
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It is proved that the φ^4 theory in four dimensions is inconsistent unless it is asymptotically free or Z_3 = 0. The Kallen-Lehmann spectral representation and the renormalizability are used.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1984-10-25
Suzuki T
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Nanao Junior College
Department of Physics,Kanazawa University
鈴木 徹
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Physics, Kanazawa University
Department of Physics, Kanazawa Medical University
Matsubara Y
Nanao Junior Coll. Nanao
Matsubara Yoshimi
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Suzuki Tsuneo
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
Yotsuyanagi I
Department Of Physics Kanazawa Medical University
Yotsuyanagi Ichiro
Department Of Physics Kanazawa Medical University
Department of Physics, Kanazawa Medical University
Suzuki Tsuneo
Department Of Forensic Medicine Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Yotsuyanagi Ichiro
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Department of Physics, Nanao Junior College
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