Dual Realistic Quark Model
- 論文の詳細を見る
Spin-, unitary spin-, and momentum-dependences of N-point meson amplitudes are obtained, using the "realistic quark model" in which the quarks are assumed to have the following properties; definite unitary spin, spin, coordinate and statistics. Furthermore we assume cyclic symmetry of hadron external lines and factorization at the hadron poles, which leads us to the same unitary spin dependence as in the case of the "mathematical quark model" in which the quarks are only considered as a mathematical symbol. As for the spin dependence, however, serious differences to appear; many of the difficulties of the mathematical quark model are removed and in the case of π-π scattering, the factor required from the high energy behavior is naturally derived from our spin factor. We also offer a reasonable form of "the spatial part" of the scattering amplitude, assuming a certain symmetry at the quark level.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1972-02-25
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
BANDO Masako
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Yamawaki Koichi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Bando Masako
Department Of Nuclear Science Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University
Machida Shigeru
Department Of Materials Science And Chemical Engineering Shizuoka University
Machida Shigeru
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nakkagawa Hisao
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nakkagawa Hisao
Department Of Physics Dalhousie University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
- How Does Technicolor Survive the FCNC Syndrome? : Particles and Fields
- Can Composite Quarks and Leptons Be Realistic?
- S Parameter in the Holographic Walking/Conformal Technicolor(Particles and Fields)
- Characteristic Features of ψ(4.16) and ψ('4.4') in Their Decays into Charmed Mesons
- Single Channel Dominance in the Decays of the Resonances above Charm Threshold in e^+-e^- Annihilation
- Baryon Resonances and Lightlike Chiral Algebra
- Mechanism of "ΔI=1/2 Enhancement" in the Relativistic Quark Model
- Note on the Photocouplings of Mesons
- Hadron Matrix Elementsd of Quark Operators in the Relativistic Quark Model. II : Model Calculation
- Hadron Matrix Elements of Quark Operators in the Relativistic Quark Model
- Decays of the New and Old Hadrons. I : On the Universality of Baryons and Mesons
- Analysis of the Photocouplings of Baryon Resonances
- Non-Abelian Anomaly and Vector Mesons as Dynamical Gauge Bosons of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- テクニカラ-理論の新展開--素粒子の質量の起源
- On Large Angle Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energy
- External Gauge Invariance and Anomaly in BS Vertices and Boundstates : Particles and Fields
- Elementary Particle Structures and Meson-Nucleon Backward Scatterings
- Duality Constraints and Representation Mixings in Light-Like Chiral Algebra
- Nuclear Forces in the Momentum Space
- Aggregation Behavior of the Styrene Units in Oil Gel of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Triblock Copolymer
- Gelation of a Composite of Ceramic Fibers and Polypropylene Modified with Maleic Anhydrate in Naphthenic Oil
- Part I Development of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Composite Gauge Bosons and "Low Energy Theorems" of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Low Energy Theorems of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- The Regge Pole Hypothesis and an Extended Particle Model
- Quark Model and High Energy Scattering
- Nonstatic One-Boson-Exchange Potentials
- Phase Structure of the Gauged Yukawa Model : Particles and Fields
- Renormalization in the Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model : Particles and Fields
- PART II Phenomenological Analyses of High Energy Scattering
- Resonance-Saturation Picture and the Patterns of Scaling Violation : Correspondence between Resonance and Parton Pictures
- Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Chapter 2 Nonstatic Nuclear Potential
- Quark-Orbital Regge Trajectories
- Dual Realistic Quark Model
- Conservation Law or Violation Law?
- Part III Construction of Nuclear Potential from Pion Theory
- 閉会挨拶(小川修三さんの人と学問)
- The π^+ - π^0 Mass Difference and the S Parameter in Large N_f QCD(Particles and Fields)
- Top Quark Condensate Revisited
- 複合模型におけるヒグスボソン (素粒子論とその数理--未知なる素粒子をもとめて)
- Phase Structure and Dilaton in QED with Four-Fermion Interaction : Particles and Fields
- Generalized Hidden Local Symmetry and the A_1 Meson : Particles and Fields
- Quest for the Dynamical Origin of Mass : An LHC Perspective from Sakata, Nambu and Maskawa(Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model)
- 1/N_ and Quark-Lepton Mass Hierarchies. II
- Anatomy of Top-Mode Extended Technicolor Model(Particles and Fields)
- Chiral Symmetry Breakings in Supersymmetric QCD : Particles and Fields
- Thirring Model as a Gauge Theory
- The Problem of P^+=0 Mode in the Null-Plane Field Theory and Dirac's Method of Quantization
- Complementarity for Strongly Coupled Coloron:Realization through Hidden Local Symmetry〔和文〕 (素粒子物理学の新展開)
- Hierarchical Multi-Fermion Condensation in Extended-MAC Scenario
- Effective Gauge Interaction of weyl Fermions : Extended-MAC Scenario
- Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon with Many-Particle Structure
- Hard Core of the Nuclear Force and Many Fermion Nonlocal Structure of Baryons and Mesons
- On Higher Order Corrections in the Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Anomalous Lepton Production in e^+e^- Annihilation and New Particles
- Photo-Meson Production from Deuteron
- A New Approach to Relativistic Composite Model of Hadrons. II
- Interpolating Axial Anomaly Induced Amplitudes : Particles and Fields
- The Properties of Χ-Type Veneziano Amplitude. I
- The Surface Excitation Model of Hadron Resonances
- Walking over the Composites : In the Spirit of Sakata(The Jubilee of the Sakata Model)
- Inner Symmetry in Baryon Structures and Leptonic Decays
- Hierarchical Mass Matrices in a Minimal SO(10) Grand Unification. I : Particles and Fields
- Two Nucleon Potential with Full Recoil. I : General Formalism and One-Pion-Exchange Potential
- Effects of Virtual Nucleon Pairs to the Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon
- Solutions of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation with Dual Interaction Kernel for Baryons and SU(6)⊗O(3)_L Symmetry
- Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes for Baryons
- Composite Model and Regge Pole
- Two-Nucleon Potential with Full Recoil. II : Two-Pion-Exchange Potential
- On the Coupling Constants of Strong Interactions
- Absorption, Polarization Phenomena and Two-Baryon Interactions
- Scattering Phase Shifts at High Energies
- Remarks on the Adiabatic Nuclear Potential
- Ward's Identity in Neutral Scalar Meson-Nucleon System
- p-p Scattering at 660 Mev
- Statistical Potential Model
- The Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces, I : The Deuteron Ground State and Low Energy Neutron-Proton Scattering
- One-Pion-Exchange Contribution in the Λ-N Interaction
- Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon
- Melosh Transformation for Interacting Quarks
- On the One Pion Exchange Potential
- Effects of the Resonance Scattering Amplitude at High Energies
- Non-Linear Realization in Supersymmetric Theories : Particles and Fields
- Non-Linear Realization in Supersymmetric Theories. II : Particles and Fields
- On the Mesonic Correction to the β-Decay
- Non-Linear π-B Exchange-Degenerate Regge Trajectory
- A New Approach to Relativistic Composite Model of Hadrons. I
- On the Concept of Duality and πN Scattering
- An Exactiy Soluble Example in Quantum Field Theory
- Super Exclusion Principle for Hadronic Processes. II
- Super Exclusion Principle for Hadronic Processes. I
- On the Method of the Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Theory of MeasUrement in Ouantum Mechanics : Mechanism of Reduction of Wave Packet. I
- On the High Energy Quasi-Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering
- Relativistic Composite Model Consistent with the Bethe-Salpeter Equation, Approximate SU(6) Symmetry and Duality.?
- The Unitarity Condition and High Energy Scattering
- A Note on High Energy Quasielastic Proton-Proton Scattering
- Theory of Measurement in Quantum Mechanics : Mechanism of Reduction of Wave Packet. II
- Theory of the Reactions of the Composite Particles