Walking over the Composites : In the Spirit of Sakata(The Jubilee of the Sakata Model)
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I review some topics of the composite models, all related with the large anomalous dimension which is characteristic to the ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) stable fixed point in the walking/conformal theories : Walking/Conformal Technicolor based on the Banks-Zaks IR fixed point in the large N_f QCD, Vector Manifestation realized when the Hidden Local Symmetry is matched with the large N_f QCD, and Top Quark Condensate with Extra Dimensions based on a UV fixed point in the higher dimensional standard model.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2007-09-28
Yamawaki Koichi
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Yamawaki Koichi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI), Nagoya University
- How Does Technicolor Survive the FCNC Syndrome? : Particles and Fields
- S Parameter in the Holographic Walking/Conformal Technicolor(Particles and Fields)
- Baryon Resonances and Lightlike Chiral Algebra
- Non-Abelian Anomaly and Vector Mesons as Dynamical Gauge Bosons of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Duality Constraints and Representation Mixings in Light-Like Chiral Algebra
- Composite Gauge Bosons and "Low Energy Theorems" of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Low Energy Theorems of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Phase Structure of the Gauged Yukawa Model : Particles and Fields
- Renormalization in the Gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model : Particles and Fields
- Quark-Orbital Regge Trajectories
- Dual Realistic Quark Model
- The π^+ - π^0 Mass Difference and the S Parameter in Large N_f QCD(Particles and Fields)
- Top Quark Condensate Revisited
- Phase Structure and Dilaton in QED with Four-Fermion Interaction : Particles and Fields
- Generalized Hidden Local Symmetry and the A_1 Meson : Particles and Fields
- Quest for the Dynamical Origin of Mass : An LHC Perspective from Sakata, Nambu and Maskawa(Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model)
- 1/N_ and Quark-Lepton Mass Hierarchies. II
- Anatomy of Top-Mode Extended Technicolor Model(Particles and Fields)
- Chiral Symmetry Breakings in Supersymmetric QCD : Particles and Fields
- Thirring Model as a Gauge Theory
- Complementarity for Strongly Coupled Coloron:Realization through Hidden Local Symmetry〔和文〕 (素粒子物理学の新展開)
- Walking over the Composites : In the Spirit of Sakata(The Jubilee of the Sakata Model)
- Techni-Dilaton Signatures at LHC(Particles and Fields)